Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learning While Having Fun: Logistics Strategic Planning Workshop

My nick name during the workshop

All smiles were written in our faces as we went home and it happened for a reason.
The participants of Strategic Planning Workshop
Central Logistics and Dolefil Logistics created another milestone together with the  Logistics Strategic Planning Workshop held last October 22, 2011 at Grab-a-Crab Ivory Room, General Santos City. The objective of this activity is to strengthen the level of commitment of both parties towards its department goals. This was facilitated by no less than Ms. Joana Grace Banting-Lapore, an expert on corporate activities such as this.

Central Logistics Participants
with the Facilitator Ms Joana Banting on the top left photo
The team learned so many things during the one-day activity. We tackled the four Disciplines of Execution that focused on Wildly Important Goals (WIGS), Compelling Scoreboards, specific actions towards the goals and accountabilities of each member of the team. We were able to identify the execution gaps and we were asked to do the SWOT analysis. We have also rated our scale of commitments and the result was a good manifestation that we are part of a great team gearing towards the right track. We have realized that each of us has something more to give but we still have room for improvements.

During the SWOT Analysis Activity representing Team AJA!

Aside from great learning, we also had fun. Thanks to our jolly speaker that we never had a dull moment during the session. At the start of activity, we were asked to write our name tag with an adjective using the first letter of our names. We found it so cool and we enjoyed it. Our creativity just flew out and there went our new names sticking on our shirts. 
Adventurous Aethan in the house
Some of the personalities in the workshop
Another activity that heightened the excitement of that day is the simulation game using tennis balls. We were divided into two groups and we were asked to transfer the balls from the first member to the last person without touching it and using just our laps. The balls represent the products that we need to produce and ship to our customers and have corresponding values. Our goal is not to drop the balls as it will also mean wastage that incur lots of cost in our operations. Everyone tried so hard not to let the ball fall out of their laps so we strategize a lot. I was in full sweat while doing my part just to make sure I'm not the cause of our lost. Fortunate enough, our team efforts were not wasted because we won the game by transferring two balls against one ball transferred by the other team. Such a great feeling!

But the fun and learning never ended there. Our good speaker shared to us some good points of wisdom to live by. I've listed some of those and I just love reading them more often.It will serve as my empowering tool to keep me going. Here are the best chunks of wisdom that I got from the workshop.

* What do you do with what you see?
* I cannot give what I do not have.
* To achieve goal you've never achieved before, you simply need to start doing things you've never done before.
* Knowing others are counting on you raises your level of commitment.
* You get an "A" if you do what you said you are going to do. You get an "A+" if you help someone else get an "A" especially someone who is struggling.
* Learn, Re-learn, Unlearn.
* I need to help you be all that you can be so that I can be all that I can be.

Wow! My enthusiasm was refreshed.


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